Welcome to DICTUM!

Being able to communicate one’s needs to medical personnel is essential for individuals using healthcare services.

In the DICTUM research projects, we want to find out how the communication between medical personnel and non-German speaking patients can be improved through the use of a digital communication assistance tools (DCAT). In the meantime, there are several research projects, which are testing, developing and applying DICTUM’s concept and approach:

Paramedic care

Download aidminutes.rescue COVID 19 app for iOS and Android used in DICTUM-Rescue projects for various languages


DICTUM-Rescue Königslutter: Development of the digital communication assistance tool to collect medical history from non-German-speaking patients in emergency medical services in Helmstedt district.


DICTUM-Rescue Braunschweig: Testing the developed digital communication assistance tool to collect medical history from non-German-speaking patients in emergency medical services in Braunschweig


General Practice

DICTUM-Friedland (study completed): Digital communication assistance tool to collect medical history of non-German refugee patients in primary care: DICTUM Friedland.

If you are interested in implementing the DICTUM communication assistance tool into your daily work at your clinic, you will find further information at the following page. For test purposes we can also provide you with a version where the from the patient obtained information is translated into English language.